
 Holocaust Poem

Who could have ever imagined,
that the evacuation would actually happen
people don't take it as a distraction.

Who could have ever imagined,
the things we been through,
thirteen to a room,
sleeping on the floor, knowing that this,
is out new home.

Who could have ever imagined,          
the death that meets my eyes
 fifteen to twenty bodies to a grave,
supposed to be wrapped,
but not a single sheet was saved.

Who could have ever imagined.

By: Alexander
Period 6


Dreams are Figments of Your Imagination

Dreams are figments of your imagination.
imitating what will come up in your life's resurrection,
seeing the life after tomorrow,
or viewing your life's sorrow.

Dreams are figments of your imagination.
playing with your mind,
making you decisions.
one false move can ruin future visions.

Dream are figments of your imagination.
putting you in the arms,
of that special someone,
or seeing the one fading away,
making you feel like a no one.

Dreams are figments of your imagination.
haunting you with the past,
wishing the day wouldn't last.

Dreams are figments of your imagination.
that may lead you into a deep depression,
maybe making a inspiration.

To bad these so called dreams, visions, and predictions
aren't what we would live in,
or wouldn't
They are figments of your imagination.

By: Alexander
Period 6